Ripley Brook is a Natural Flood Management (NFM) project with the desired outcome of trying to reduce peak flows entering the Ripley Brook, slowing the flow of water and hopefully reducing the impacts of high flows downstream. Phase 1, including a geomorphological assessment and initial natural ditch blocking exercise was completed in 2018. Phase 2 is now underway and includes 2 components; firstly, the creation of a water storage pond to reduce peak flows and, secondly, a natural ditch blocking exercise aimed at slowing the flow, reconnecting the brook to the floodplain and retaining water in woodland ditches. Phase 2 works are planned to take place in late February and early March.
Ripley Brook is a Natural flood Management (NFM) project with the desired outcome of trying to reduce peak flows entering the Ripley Brook by slowing the flow of water, reducing the impacts of high flows downstream.